Andoni Irigoien
Orduan, txundituta geratuko zara!

inoiz ez bezala
Inpantsioari buruz
Zehatzago esanda, zientziak ideia lauso horren norabide jakin bat hartu du oinarritzat. Horregatik irudikatzen dugu kanpoko mundu fisiko bat barneko mundu mental baten aurka, eta diogu molekulek atomoak dauzkatela.
Uste horiek praktikoak diren arren, zilegi da alderantziz imajinatzea. Hori egiteak ez ditu gure esperientzia eta teoriak ezabatzen. Aitzitik, haien mugak ulertzen lagun diezaguke.
Hortaz, inpantsioa ideia paradoxikoa da, zientzia sortu zen puntu berean errotua. Gure aurrekari teoriko ugariak berrikusi eta kanpotik barrura tolestera gonbidatzen gaitu, galtzerdia bailiran.
Inpanderretara jolastea ispilu zientifikoaren beste aldera jauzi egitea bezalakoa da. Han, irudimena eta pentsamendu kritikoa dira gure tresna bakarrak. Zorionez, ispiluaren azala muga kontzeptual ugarik osatzen dute, arlo ugaritan dokumentatuak. Inpantsioak izen amankomun bat eta irtenbide praktikoak eskaintzen dizkie muga hoiei.
-Sinpleak konplexua dauka.
-Txikiak handia dauka.
-Iraganak etorkizuna dauka.
Praktika pixka batekin, kontrako dirudien ikuspegi hau jatorrizkoa baino naturalago eta koherenteago bihurtzen da, aurrekoa inoiz galdu ez arren. Izan ere, bi ikuspegiak esperientzia betegarriago batean integratzen dira.
Pentsamendu paradoxiko mota honek pazientzia eta esfortzua eskatzen ditu. Hala ere, taxuz diseinatutako irudiek eta animazioek bidea irisgarriago egin dezakete. Horregatik, urtebete baino gehiago eman dut nire lehen animaziozko bideoak ekoizten ikasten. Pentsalari kritikoei argialdi bat eragingo diela espero dut.
Inpantsioa mugak trukatzean datza. Horregatik, naturala da fisikak—batez ere kosmologiak—adibide zirraragarrienak ematea. Esaterako, gure teleskopioek erakusten digute sinpleak konplexua nola edukitzen duen (bideoa, 9. atala), nola iraganak etorkizuna daukan (7. atala) eta nola adin desberdinak aldi berean gertatzen diren (8. atala).
Orain, inpanderretara ere jolas gaitezke: orekak araututako betiereko osotasun baten itxuran gainjarritako behatzaileak. Ebidentzia beraren ikuspegi oso ezberdina da.
Galdetu beharko genuke zein aukerak duen zentzu gehiago oraintxe bertan—ikuspuntu ekologiko, global batetik—, baina lehenik eta behin, Inpantsioaren maisu bihurtu behar dugu. Gizakiok aukera bat egin dezaten, lehenengo aukera dutela jakin behar dute.
Beraz, komunitate zientifikoak onartuko al du gure datu guztiekin koherentea den mundu-ikuskera berri bat? Dibulgatzaile zientifikoek naturaren egungo ikuspegi erradikal eta partziala zuzenduko al dute? Gizateria, azkenean, zintzoa izango al da bere buruarekin? Eta, garrantzitsuena, lagunduko al didazu galdera hauei erantzun positibo bat aurkitzen?
Niri buruz
Liburuko pasarteak
“Impansion suggests that any language we could find in the universe or invent, formal or natural, will necessarily be a wrapped or circular system of metaphorical concepts. From this perspective, science is not a heroic quest for absolute truth but a coalition of practical quests for partial, self-contained truths.”
Rolak aldatuz
“We need different, mutually inconsistent metaphors to conduct experiments and understand their results.”
“’Emergent’ is a critical word. It pertains to a scientific paradigm called emergent systems or nonlinear science. Emergence and impansion are complementary concepts. Thus, an impanded structure would see other impanded structures emerge from nowhere.”
Bizitza eta heriotza
“Conception and death can only be events in the third person. It is the only way to link them to a clock or a calendar. Thus, births, deaths, Big Bangs, and Big Rips are not objective points in a time arrow. Instead, they are equivalent metaphorical concepts”
“Impansion is compatible with a historical experience. It just dispenses history from objective time arrows.”
“Our deep contradictions about the mechanisms of evolution are entirely natural if ‘mechanism’ is just a metaphor.”
“Big Bangers are children playing cops who defend the scientific law of the fittest; impanders are children playing outlaws that believe in justice.”
Bidai espazialak
“Nature would respond as a hamster wheel to intergalactic trials, revealing that space travel is a meaningless concept. However, we are not trapped in a cage because, as said, our future is not outside us but inside.”
Gainjarritako aroak
“Imagine that the counter of a clock continues ticking long after human life becomes extinct. It does not matter how many ticks it makes. Whenever equivalent complexities come into existence, their science must assign 13.800 million years to their universe.”
Multibertso nahasia
“The idea of separate universes does not originate in physics equations but in the set or container metaphor that gave rise to modern logic and mathematics. Once we believe in objective containers and time arrows, we tend to imagine parallel or consecutive universes and despise intermingled ones.”
Zulo beltzak
“The possibility that every future takes the form of some inner black hole is very poetic but, at the same time, absolutely logical.”
“Theoretical physicists whisper, ‘Light says what spacetime is.’ Applied physicists shout, ‘Light does what spacetime says!’ Both are plausible, but you cannot argue them before the same judge, especially in the same trial.”
“The Earth can be a flat surface, a perfect sphere, or a geoid interacting with spacetime geodesics, depending on the context. It can also be a subjectively wrapped harmonic structure in a sizeless and timeless whole. None of these perspectives is more truthful than the others because all are metaphorical.”
“Do solitons break a preexisting matter or either signal the rise and fall of a subjective material experience? Both ideas are valid metaphorical descriptions of what we see and calculate.”
“For impanders, postural experience and gravitational effects are two sides of the same coin. It is unnecessary to divide our experience into some internal and external worlds and prioritize one of them.”
“Once reinterpreted according to impansion, the empirical evidence is overwhelming. Our phenomenal experience consists of the intersubjective construction of individual bodies in relative motion plus their apparent relative distances and durations.”
“For impanders, there is no difference between perception, action, and conceptualization because there is no difference between the self and the world.”
“Metaphors create all meanings, create all similarities, and define all our reality.* After all, impansion is about what you want or need to stress, not about how things actually are.”
*Adapted from Lakoff and Johnson, Metaphors We Live By, 1980, ch. 27.